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I own BL8800 for more than 2 months now and What I can say about it is that it's solid as a rock, heavy, with very good battery life (in my case it lasts for about 3 weeks, but I don't stare at the screen 10h/day like some people do). Charger is very fast.
There's a little bit of bloatware, but most of it can be uninstalled, and the rest - disabled.
50Mpix camera is a
SCAM. It's ~12Mpix that is just upscaled to 50Mpix.
Overall picture quality is good.
IR camera works great
Proximity sensor doesn't work in a sunny, and even in a cloudy day - what this does is you will do all different things with your ear while making regular phone calls (turning on or off wifi, bt, changing display brightness, launching apps, etc.).
For some mysterious reason location must be turned on for some things to be able to connect. For example - smartwatch, wireless display, wifi printer. I can disable location after connecting to a device and it will work fine.
Fingerprint sensor works... most of the time.
For some reason there is no scheduler for turning the phone on and off. I had BV5000, BV7000PRO and this function was present.