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P2 Aindriod 7 no rear camera no or bad signal

Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:31 pm

Mayby someone can help me
I have buy a P2 4gb from Aliexpress
Phone come athome and it was android 7 but i buy it with 6 oke
No i have no or bad calling signal and no rear camera function when i start the camera app
Start the camera app and i goes directly to the front camera no function for rear camera

Aliexpress and the seller say to me No problem you have a warranty but nobody can help me
I have now for 3 weeks live chat session with aliexpress but still no warranty and service from the seller

Maby someone have a simple tech solution for this problem

I am still a big Blackview fan

I owned a bv 6000 and now a 7000 pro super good

Thank you so much
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Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:30 am

Re: P2 Aindriod 7 no rear camera no or bad signal

Thu Aug 02, 2018 12:09 am

Unfortunately your unit looks flawed. Getting it replaced by your seller (or aliexpress, if he doesn't honor warranty terms) is the only possibile solution.

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